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Transparent Friendster Profile

Here is the updated tips to make your page looks transparent. If you are advanced enough, you also may adjust the transparency. Just download this css code, edit yourself then upload on your hosting place. Its simple when u can understand it.

So here is the css linker code.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" />

Copy that code and paste it on your About Me widget. If it doesn't work, its sure you made any mistake. :p

Change Friendsters Banner

Are you bored with the friendster's logo in top of your profiles? It looks so classic when we keep this banner still there.

When you feels its time to change it with your own pictures, here I got the code. Please copy paste it on your About Me widget.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">


x.innerHTML="<center><img src='Your Picture Address Here' border='0'></img></center>";


All that you need is just replace that green text with your uploaded image address. If you just want a simple way, you can choose to search your desire picture on Google.

Last step, you should paste this code in your About Me widget, That I had posted couple days ago.

Adding Snake Moves Effect

Don't be shock when opening your profile for first time after using this cool code. Its called Snake Moves Script. Can you guess what its effect? When your profile is been loaded, your browser will resizing and moving itself around your screen. It just like a classic snake game moves. It will be cool to make your page more attractive. But its not suggested for a super slow PC :p.

Add this code to your About Me Widget.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Add a Rollover Image

Here is the way to add a rollover image on your profile. Rollover image is just an image that always trying to follow your screen wherever you scroll your page. If you still don't understand, try yourself you will and get what I mean.

1st step, click here to see the code. Copy that code to your text editor like notepad.
2nd step, search for word "IMAGE_HERE" in your code. Replace that word with your desire image link. You can search an image on Google, or you can upload your own image and copy its link.
3rd step, save your code in javascript format file. For example you can save it using name "rollover.js".

Upload it on your host. If you had not account yet, you can try sign up on Upload your script code there, then copy its link.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="YourScriptAddress"></script>

Replace YourScriptAddress above with your own javascript link, then pate it on your About Me Widget. Good Luck!

File Hosting Address

If you wanna to use your javascript file, first thing you should do is upload it on your host. Its mean you place your file on the server so it can be accessed anytime. For example, you can choose as hosting place. Its easy to use. Sign up for first time then you can use about 40MB space there to place your own script for ease.

Javascript and CSS

Javascript is a part of web which are formatted as a script. A javascript is mostly used on giving a variation effect on a web or blog. Here is the example script to change friendster profile icon.

Otherway, CSS is a configure file to control your web or blog content. It contains many class and other to control your stuff placement in your web. Its not suggested to edited by beginner user. But just for example you can download this example css script.

Recent News

From the recent update I heard that Friendster team had blocked any kinds of way to linking a javascript or css to your profile. Really I'm getting annoyed with this friendster action. I don't really understand what are they did for. But, don't be sad, I had see around for a new way to linking a javascript or css to your profile. Fortunately, I found it on, and here it is.

First step, you should install a third party widget on your profiles. Its called About Me widget.Click here to install quickly.
Second step, you can use this code to linking css file.

<link href="your css file address" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" />

Just replace the green text with your css file address. For example :

Another to linking javascript, you can use the code bellow.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="your javascript address here"></script>

Replace that green text with your javascript file address.

Now the third step. If your code are ready, go to your apps list by clicking the apps tab. Then click your About Me widget to show edit window.

Copy your code then paste it on some of the edit text there. For example you can paste your code on Name edit or Birthplace edit.

Thats all my new linking js/css tutorial. Enjoy it.