From the recent update I heard that Friendster team had blocked any kinds of way to linking a
javascript or
css to your profile. Really I'm getting annoyed with this friendster action. I don't really understand what are they did for. But, don't be sad, I had see around for a new way to linking a javascript or css to your profile. Fortunately, I found it on, and here it is.
First step, you should install a third party widget on your profiles. Its called About Me widget.
Click here to install quickly.
Second step, you can use this code to linking css file.
<link href="your css file address" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" />
Just replace the green text with your
css file address. For example :
Another to linking javascript, you can use the code bellow.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="your javascript address here"></script>
Replace that green text with your
javascript file address.
Now the third step. If your code are ready, go to your apps list by clicking the apps tab. Then click your About Me widget to show edit window.
Copy your code then paste it on some of the edit text there. For example you can paste your code on Name edit or Birthplace edit.
Thats all my new linking js/css tutorial. Enjoy it.
you can visit this recent news on